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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 416-419

Self-efficacy and Mental health among university students: Mediating role of assertiveness

Mahpara Khalil, Saba Ghayas, Adnan Adil, Sadia Niazi.


Objective: To examine the self-efficacy and role of assertiveness as predictor of mediator on mental health among university students.
Methodology: This study had 400 university students (200 males and 200 female) selected through convenient sampling technique with age range 20 to 24 (mean 21.5±3.1). Urdu translated Generalized Self Efficacy scale, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, and Self-Assertiveness Scale were used.
Results: Self-efficacy and self-assertiveness were significant negative predictors of mental health (Depression, Anxiety and Stress). Self-efficacy was significant predictor of assertiveness. Results supported the meditational role of assertiveness in the relationship between of self-efficacy and mental health (Depression, anxiety & stress).
Conclusion: Self-efficacy and assertiveness are important negative predictors of the indices of depression, anxiety and stress on mental health. Self-efficacy influenced mental health indirectly through assertiveness. Gender predicts significant differences in depression, anxiety, and stress.

Key words: Depression, self-efficacy, assertiveness.

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