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Review Article

Fundam Appl Agric. 2021; 6(2): 210-224

Bioactive compounds in tomato and their roles in disease prevention

Kabita Kumari Shah, Bindu Modi, Bibek Lamsal, Jiban Shrestha, Surya Prasad Aryal.


Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) is suitable for the manufacture of drugs, especially for oral delivery; it is a popular vegetable. Lycopene is one of the most strong, naturally and abundantly occurring antioxidants in tomato. It has unique structural and chemical characteristics that contribute to the biological characteristics and pharmacologic actions for lower risk of different chronic diseases, such as cancer and different cardiovascular diseases. Tomato fruit consumption can be associated with various beneficial effects on health. Tomato is an important source of biopsy compounds, having vitamin antioxidants and anticancer substances. A group of vitamins, carotenoids, phenolic acid, and phenolic compounds, are antioxidant metabolites found in tomato that can provide effective protection by neutralizing free radicals and these unstable molecules associated with the growth of a range of degenerative diseases and conditions. This review paper summarizes the pharmacological actions of bioactive compounds (carotenoids, lycopene, β –carotene, lutein, and vitamins) and their chemistry. This reviewed information may be valuable source for nutritionist, health workers and tomato growers.

Key words: Antioxidant, Bioactive compounds, Carotenoids, Lycopene, Pharmacological values, Tomato

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