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IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 6-11

Socioeconomic status and its effect on the dental esthetics: a survey-based study in Saudi Arabia

Reem Abdulrahman Alhokair, Abdulaziz Saad Alanzan, Ghaliah Hadi Alamery.


Background: Studies in a few communities show that people with low socioeconomic conditions fail to meet oral health necessities and cannot obtain oral health services. The present study was aimed to assess the socioeconomic status and its effect on the dental esthetics among Saudi Arabian population.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Saudi Arabia using a closed-ended questionnaire. The survey was designed online using Google Forms. A total of 250 Saudis were contacted using social media pages and other links. The survey included questions related to dental esthetics and its connection with socioeconomic status. Data were collected and transferred from Excel to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 19, and descriptive statistics were done.
Results: The present study reported the response of the participants when asked about how concerned the individuals about their dental appearance: 42% responded that they were very concerned, 54% responded they were moderately concerned, and 4% responded that they were not concerned.
Conclusion: The present study found that socioeconomic status had a substantial impact on the decision related to opting for esthetic treatment, which is expensive.

Key words: Socioeconomic status, dental esthetics

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