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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 236-239

Assessment of antidepressant activity of fenugreek seeds methanol extract

Tahira Assad, Navaid Siddiqui, Muhammad Ali Rajput, Hafiza Touseef Sayyar, Madiha Soban, Taif Hameed.


Objective: To assess the effect of fenugreek seeds methanol extract (FS-ME) on depression in mice.
Methodology: The effect of FS-ME was assessed after 14 days of oral feeding. We used two models i.e. forced swimming test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST) at three different doses. Tests were conducted at days 1, 7 and 14.
Results: In both FST and TST, the period of immovability in mice receiving extract dose of 100mg/kg was reduced significantly on day 7th and 14th as compared to control. While the period of immobility in mice received FS-ME at 200 mg/kg was reduced highly noticeably as compared to control and was comparable to reference drug imipramine at 15mg/kg. The decline in immobility time in both tests revealed antidepressant effect.
Conclusion: FS-ME showed noteworthy antidepressant effect in mice but further preclinical and clinical trials are necessary to approve these findings.

Key words: Antidepressant, fenugreek seeds, tail suspension test.

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