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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1470-1476

Ecocriticism: Toward A New Analytical Approach To Literary Studies And Literary Tourism

Pathom Hongsuwan, Pornphimon Srithares.


Ecocriticism does not view nature and environment as a mere element in the literature. This framework can be used for in-depth study of literature since it focuses on the role and meaning of nature and environment in the literature, especially the relationship between man and nature, man’s attitude towards nature, techniques used in presenting concepts about nature as well as socio-cultural perspectives linked to the political and ethical policies to preserve the environment. Ecocriticism is therefore a paradigm of the study of the relationship between literature and the environment having Ecology and the concept of Environmentalism as a ground of study, analysis and interpretation of the literature. This is another form of discourse practice that can convey meaning and create a new body of knowledge for the current literary studies and literary tourism.

Key words: Ecocriticism, New Analytical Approach, Literary Studies, Literary Tourism

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