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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1541-1550

Application Of Monte Carlo Simulation As A Pedagogical Tool In The Study Of Wind Turbine Systems

Oscar D. Flórez C., Orlando García Hurtado., Julián R. Camargo L..


This paper presents the use of Monte Carlo simulation in the estimation of electric power generation from a wind turbine system as training in the course on electric generators. The wind resource cannot be managed unlike others as in a hydroelectric or thermal power plant, since it has a stochastic characteristic, but the mathematical models for energy projections use the Weibull probability function. Through the use of the Matlab toolbox, wind speeds that comply with the Weibull function are generated for each of the wind turbine blades, which are obtained using a script that guarantees the randomness and independence of the data. In Matlabsimulink, these data are entered into the wind toolbox to obtain the estimated power. From wind speed databases, the energy response of one or several wind turbines can be established.

Key words: Electric generators,Monte Carlo simulation,Turbine, Weibullfunction, WindResource

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