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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1564-1573

A Pedagogical Proposal: Methodological Guide For Testing 87L Line Differential Relay

Angela P. Jime& 769;nez M., Oscar D. Flórez C., Julián R. Camargo L..


This paper presents the basic concepts of the 87L line differential protection function and the connection to a test system to check its correct operation, as an operational guide for electrical and electronic engineering students, taking into account the areas of fiber optic connection between relays, DIGSI configuration and simulation with OMICRON CMC 256 test equipment. We will work with a generic line differential protection relay to present its interconnection and configuration as a case study to provide practical and forceful solutions in line protection issues, with low operating costs and safe investments. With the incorporation of new communication technologies in electrical substations, it is very important in the didactics of the interconnection of these systems and verification of the operability for this and other devices.

Key words: ANSI 87L, CMC 256,Line differential protection, Relay test.

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