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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1574-1584

From The Class Performing An Analysis For Methodological Variations In The Generation Of Cartography

Miguel A. Ávila A., Wilson J. Pinzon, Wilson Gordillo.


The work presented in this occasion, corresponds to a class idea, in which it is in-tended to make an analysis of the cartographic information that is related to the geo-graphical names that have been collected in the field and according to these methodo-logical variations, as well as the data, it is intended to make a methodological pro-posal based on the application of methods of social cartography. The development of the idea is based on the importance for students of cadastral engineering and geodesy that field work is fundamental for the elaboration of cartography, given that through several decades the technological advance has allowed the process destined to the elaboration of maps to be more optimal in the office, in such a way that the collection of data in the field continues to be a fundamental factor for the use and application of new technologies in the case of processing the new information obtained in such a way that it has the adequate solidity to generate a final cartographic product with high quality standards.

Key words: cartographic information, social cartography, cartographic product, geographical names

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