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Research Article

Antioxidant Potential from Padina Gymnospora Seaweed Methanolic Extracts



Introduction: Seaweeds are associated with antibacterial, antinociceptive effects. The interest in marine organic entities is a potential and promising source in marine life in the last few years. Seaweeds have been used as food in Asian countries for centuries. Seaweeds possess valuable medicinal properties that exhibit anti adhesive activities. The dietary profile of Padina gymnospora incorporates a lot of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other minerals alongside it includes cell reinforcements like nutrients and other vitamins( C and E).
Aim: The main objective of the study is to evaluate antioxidant activity of Padina gymnospora seaweed methanolic extracts.
Materials And Methods: Sample collection of Padina gymnospora is collected and washed with distilled water, dried and powdered. Methanol ice extract preparation is done from crude oil extract and again converted into powder then it’s been dried for a few hours. Further antioxidant assay (DPPH, H2O2, total antioxidant assay) is done to find the bio active compounds from crude extract.
Result: The antioxidant property of seaweed Padina gymnospora was evaluated and it was found to increase with increasing concentration of extract. Similar results were observed in the present study with antioxidant activity increasing in the lower concentrations. In the present investigation methanolic extracts showed antioxidant activity for all the samples analysed.
Conclusion: This study indicated that the methanol extract of seaweed had better antioxidant effects in comparison with other previous studies.

Key words: Padina gymnospora, antioxidant activity, methanolic extracts, DPPH assay

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