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A comparative study of psychosocial impact in care homes dwelling elderly population and living in community with family

Swapnil Agrawal, Aftab Ahmed Khan, Supriya Peter.

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Background: The elderly population is growing enormously in India, and it is projected that the elderly population in India will rise to 12.4% by 2026, and by the year 2050 more than 40% of people would only be elders in India. Due to various social, economical, and other reasons, the number of elderly people living in care homes is increasing. Data regarding cognitive impairment and quality of life is scarce for elderly living in care homes.

Aim and Objectives: The purpose of the study is to assess the level of cognitive changes and quality of life of elderly people living in care homes and community in family setup and compare these variables between these two groups.

Materials and Methods: 100 subjects (50 in case group and 50 in control group) fulfilling the inclusion criteria were administered Mini Mental Status Examination Scale (MMSE) and MINI-COG to identify cognitive impairment. All the subjects were scored on the WHO Quality Of Life – Bref Scale in order to find out their level of quality of life. Comparison was made under various headings between these groups including severity.

Results: On application of MMSE scale found a significant difference (48% of subjects in case group and 14% of the subjects in the control group showed cognitive impairment). In distribution according to scoring of MINI-COG scale in cases and controls. It is found that 40% of subjects in the case group and 08% of the subjects in the control group were screened positive for dementia on MINI-COG scale which is statistically significant difference. In Quality of life domain score in cases and control group patients, It is evident that mean of transformed score (0–100) in physical, psychological, social relationship, environmental domain was 48.85, 47.42, 45.17 and 45.81 in subjects of case group while 58.43, 56.83, 64.17, and 54.02 in the control group. On application of unpaired t-test, there was a significant difference for all the domains. Subjects in the case group who were not having any psychiatric disorder 45% were having a cognitive decline (MMSE

Key words: Quality of Life; Cognitive Impairment; Elderly

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