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Review Article

Five Hundred and Sixty Years of Legal Regulation of Pharmacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tarik Catic, Armin Skrbo, Izet Masic.


Background: The rich history of pharmacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been sporadically dealt with systematically, except by enthusiasts and researchers. The only book on this topic was published in 1958, and after the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, the history of pharmacy was treated mainly as part of the history of medicine. The lack of a culture of memory and a systematic approach to historical heritage brought together a group of experts who deal with this topic in more detail and collect available historical relevant material. Pharmacy as a highly regulated health discipline also in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a legacy of legal acts and documents that depict different periods and the development of pharmacy itself under the influence of circumstances and legislation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to show the development of legislation related to the pharmaceutical sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the historical periods of its development. Methods: This is retrospective research based on internet sources, archives and publications available in libraries. Results and Discussion: The available legal regulations and documents through five periods of pharmaceutical development were analysed, from which it can be concluded that the organization of the pharmaceutical industry and its development over time remained stricter. Legal regulations depict the role of pharmacy in the health system, but they also represent sources for further research in this area, and constitute important historiographical material. The analysis of legal regulations speaks volumes about the way pharmaceutical activity is organized, so it is possible to follow the appearance of the first pharmacies, pharmacists, requirements for the quality of medicines, production and the modern role of pharmacists in the health system. Pharmaceutical legislation will certainly be the subject of future negotiations on the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union, and harmonization with the acquis of the EU is expected in the coming period.

Key words: History, Pharmacy, Legal, Legislation

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