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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 80-89

Development of personnel safety awareness scale (PSAS) for 3th. and 4th. grade primary school students

Sedef Ünsal Seydooğulları, Emine Gül Kapçı.


The aim of present study is to develop a measurement tool to assess the knowledge and awareness of 3rd and 4th grade students about prevention of sexual abuse. Participants were 718 students (girl n= 381; boy n= 337) attending 3rd and 4th grades of primary schools in Kocaeli. Tetracoric factor analysis revealed that the scale consisted of 20 items. Item loads ranged .38 and .79, explaining 41% of total variance. Concurrent validity was assessed with the “Good Touch Bad Touch Scale” and was found to be .66. The internal consistency coefficient was assessed with KR-20 r= .85. Test-retest correlation was .79. Findings showed that PSAS could be used to assess the knowledge and awareness of 3rd and 4th grade primary school students about sexual abuse.

Key words: Students, personnel safety, personnel safety awareness, sexual abuse

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