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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 129-144

The Effect of Quality of Life Work on Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Analysis on School Administrators and Teachers

Mustafa Özgenel.


Quality of life work (QWL) attracts the attention of both employers and researchers in order to increase the organizational commitment and performance of employees. In this sense, the aim of this study is to compare the effect of the perception of the quality of work-life on the organizational commitment of the administrators and teachers. The research was designed according to the predictive correlation pattern which is one of the quantitative research designs. In the 2018-2019 and 2019-220 academic year, 782 educators, 591 teachers and 191 administrators working in public schools in Tuzla and Sultanbeyli districts participated in the study. In this study, data were collected using the Quality of Life Scale and Organizational Commitment Scale, and t-test, correlation and regression analyzes were performed. According to the results of the analysis, administrators' perceptions of quality of work-life and organizational commitment are higher than teachers. The relationship between administrators' perception of the quality of work-life and organizational commitment levels is lower than the relationship between teachers' perception of the quality of work-life and organizational commitment levels. According to the regression analysis, the quality of work-life predicts 52% of teachers' organizational commitment and 33% of administrators' organizational commitment.

Key words: Work-life, quality of work, quality of work-life, organizational commitments

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