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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 145-156

The Elementary teacher readiness toward STEM-Based contextual learning in 21st Century Era

Kartimi, Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Dindin Nasrudin.


Learning in the 21st century is expected to advance knowledge and improve student learning achievement, including at the elementary school level. In addition, learning in the 21st century is also expected to prepare students with 21st century skills that they should have. One learning approach that can be used is STEM-Based contextual learning. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the readiness of elementary school teachers to implement STEM-Based contextual learning in schools. The purposed-design survey method was used in this study. Questionnaire and observation were used to collect the data. The questionnaire consisted of eighteen open-ended questions to find out the learning process conducted by the teacher, their perceptions of integrated contextual learning, and how the readiness of teachers towards the implementation of STEM-Based contextual learning. Respondents’ involeved in this study were 32 elementary school teachers in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The result of the study indicated that elementary school teachers were ready to implement STEM-based contextual learning. However, the main problem faced by the teachers to implement STEM-based contextual learning was the difficulty of integrating the subjects and providing contextual aspects related to students’ real life. This study was expected to provide an overview of the problems and possibilities in implementing STEM-based contextual learning at the elementary school level.

Key words: 21st Century Skills, Contextual learning, Elementary Student, STEM

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