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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 157-171

Opening Black-Box of Teaching-Practice: Pre-service Teachers’ Learning from the Hidden Curriculum Perspective

Lili Hurioğlu, Akın Efendioğlu.


The main purpose of the study is to reveal the hidden learning-outcomes gained through teaching practice of pre-service teachers regarding hidden curriculum (HC) perspective. After a nine-week teaching practice course, the pre-service teachers (n=11) attended to a single case study. An interview related to their in-class learning experiences was implemented. Finally, based on the HC, a deductive content analysis was conducted. Results indicated that totally 11 learning themes were determined. Even though themes have a complex structure on their own, they explicitly show that hidden learning outcomes reflect three basic learning domains as “learning to learn (LL)”, “learning the profession (LP)” and “learning to be an expert (LBE)”. As a conclusion, the results have been discussed in terms of HC, teachers’ professional development, the teaching profession, metacognition, and official teacher training curriculum (OTTC) perspectives.

Key words: Pre-service teachers; teaching practice course; hidden curriculum; hidden learning outcomes; teaching profession

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