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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 521-531

Investigation of the Relationship between Emotion Socialization Behaviors of Mothers and Temperament of Children

Sema Öngören, Gülhan Köçer.


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between emotion socialization behaviors of mothers and temperament of children. The relational screening method was used. The research sample consisted of 168 children aged 48-72 months and their mothers. In order to collect data, a "Personal Information Form" created by the researcher regarding parents and children, the "Coping with Children’s Negative Emotions Scale" to determine the emotion socialization behaviors of mothers, and a "Short Temperament Scale for Children" to determine temperament features of children were used. The relationship between emotion socialization behavior of mothers and the temperament of their children was investigated using the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple and simple linear regression analyses. At the end of the study, it is concluded that there is a relationship between emotion socialization behaviors of mothers and temperament of children. It has been determined that encouraging and condescending reactions to the feeling of emotion among mothers’ socialization behaviors are predictors for temperament of children.

Key words: Negative emotion, reaction, temperament, rhythmical

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