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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 228-250

Teacher Talk and Teacher Discursive Moves: A Systematic Review from Vygotskian Perspective

Yılmaz SOYSAL.


In this study, qualitatively-oriented content of research studies pertaining in-class usage of teacher discursive moves (TDMs) was examined in a fine-grained sense in the context of teaching science. For this purpose, within the scope of the present systematic review, 31 research studies available in the related literature were explored by means of various theoretical perspectives (e.g., communicative approaches, Vygotskian perspective, learning demand, etc.). TDMs practised on various studies had both dialogic and monologic tendency. In addition, the thematic representations extracted at the end of coding and categorisation processes showed that the TDMs incorporate a hierarchy regarding supporting teaching. In addition, most studies did not address the TDMs that could help learners to internalise science phenomena. Recommendations were offered to teacher educators and teachers in the junction of professional pedagogical development and the TDMs.

Key words: Teacher talk, teacher discursive moves, Vygostkian perspective, systematic analysis, learning demand

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