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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 286-301

Development of self-efficacy scale for music-assisted English teaching

Onur Köksal.


The purpose of the present research is developing a scale to be used in measuring the English teachers’ self-efficacy for music-assisted English teaching. For the validity and reliability studies of the scale, 185 English teachers were included in the research in 2019. For these processes, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, and item discrimination indices were calculated. Following these analyses, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated. Consequently, the scale consisted of 25 items that explained the 49.709% of the variance. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the scale had three dimensions. Confirmatory factor analysis conducted on AMOS-21 in order to confirm the structure defined with exploratory factor analysis confirmed the three-dimensional model. Finally, test item correlations ranged between 0.288 and 0.742, and the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated as 0.915.

Key words: Self Efficacy, Music, English teaching

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