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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 302-317

The Correlation between Critical Thinking Skills and Cognitive Learning Outcomes

Hasan Tuaputty, Marleny Leasa, Aloysius Duran Corebima, John Rafafy Batlolona.


This correlational research aims to reveal the contribution of critical thinking skills (CTS) toward cognitive learning outcomes (CLO) on the learning using NHT and metacognitive strategies, and to reveal the differences in regression equations between the two learning models. The results revealed that there was a correlation between CTS and CLO in both the NHT and metacognitive strategies. The biggest contribution of CTS toward the studentsÂ’ CLO was found in the NHT + metacognitive strategy learning model, which was 71.4%, and the regression equation of the learning model was Y = 21.66 + 0.72 X. The results of Anova show the significance value of b1, b2 was 0.009 (p

Key words: Critical thinking skills, cognitive learning results, NHT learning model, metacognitive strategy

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