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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1585-1603

Teacher Education In The Light Of National Education Policy, 2020 During COVID-19 In North-East India

Ananta Kumar Jena, Sabina Yeasmin Barbhuiya, Bikram Das, Rana Pramanik.


The scheme of teacher education was upgraded during COVID-19 and specified with a well-stated mission to train the in-service and pre-service teachers for achieving sustainability in education. Especially, the skills of e-learning and pedagogy helped the pre-service and in-service teachers to develop skills of critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. The study assessed the existing status of quality parameters of teacher education in North Eastern states of India during the lockdown era of COVID-19 in light of National Education Policy, 2020. 50 teacher-training colleges at Secondary level and 15 teacher training institutions at primary level were randomly selected in the northeastern states of India. In this online survey, the researchers assessed the quality parameters and quality dimension of teacher education in the northeastern states of India. It concluded that the existing status of quality parameters of in-service and pre-service teacher education in northeastern states of India during the lockdown era of COVID-19 in light of National Education Policy, 2020 is satisfactory. Both students and teachers shared information through the learning management system. The quality parameters of teacher education in northeastern states of India during the lockdown era of COVID-19 in light of National Education Policy, 2020 was in the expected direction.

Key words: COVID-19, dimensions of teacher education, National Education Policy, 2020 , parameters of teacher education

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