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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4056-4062

Extensive Analysis On Teaching Learning Progression With Reference To Health Services

Subhendu Shekhar Bhakta, Dr. Munshi Rakib.


Constructivist theories of pedagogy emphasize the relevance of students' interests and concepts in the reform of pedagogy. There are signs that the instructors don't do much to put the recommended ideas into action. Students had less time to participate in class since their minds and practice activities were constrained, it was thought. A lot of time and effort is still put on material transmission by teachers. While the new curriculum advocates a different approach to teaching and learning, this teaching method adheres to a long-held tradition. Teachers may have issues with the amount to which curriculum texts are meant to affect and impact the practice.

Key words: Teaching, Learning, Progression, Health, Students.

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