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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1620-1632

Degree Of Teachers Of English Practice For Active Learning And Challenges They Encounter, From Their Perspective

Talal Abd Alhameed Alodwan.


The study aimed to identify the degree of teachers of English practice for active learning strategies and the challenges they confront, from their perspective. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach. Its population comprised male and female teachers of public schools of Amman second directorate at university district. The sample amounted to (56) teachers who were randomly selected.
The study results showed that the degree of practice of such strategies was positive and ranked “medium” with an arithmetic mean (3.50), but challenges ranked “high” with a medium mean (3.83). The results also revealed that there were no differences with statistical significance for the practice with regard to variables of (gender, qualification and experience).
The study recommended that courses and workshops should be held for teachers and students in order to: raise the degree of practice of active strategies,train them on methods of use, secure necessary instruments to apply the strategies, and to include all schools. In addition, the study recommended that English language curricula should be amended to cope with application of active learning strategies.

Key words: Active learning; Degree of practice; English language teachers.

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