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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4415-4427

The Role Of The New Jungle Safari: Implications Of Jungle Safari Tourism For Experience Wildlife Tourism

Dr. Swati Ashthana (Saxena), Sidharth Jain, Ms. Neha Prakash.


The fundamental reason for this paper is to gain a comprehension of the natural life of the travel industry. In India, since, antiquated occasions, people build up an interest in untamed life the travel industry. In the current presentation as well, the ancestral populace, living in uneven and sloping locales rely on the timberlands and common natural conditions to meet their everyday needs. They are occupied with the chasing of wild creatures and fowls. Though, untamed life the travel industry isn't a lot of basic among the people, living in metropolitan networks. The principal zones that have been considered in this paper are, characterization of natural life in the travel industry, arranging and overseeing untamed life in the travel industry, untamed life protection division, timberland, biodiversity, and land use in India, ecological, social, and social effects and human-untamed life clashes and making natural life the travel industry maintainable.

Key words: Biodiversity, Environment, Forests, Preservation, Wildlife Tourism

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