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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4428-4438

The Future Of Mobile Learning And Its Implications On Education

Dr. Atul Ramgade, Prof. Dr. Prakash Divakaran.


Mobile learning is based on using mobile devices that makes the learning opportunities more flexible with higher amount of mobility it simply means that learning could be possible at any time and any place. This paper tries to analyze the importance of mobile learning for education purposes it describes the present state of mobile learning its advantages, challenges and the barriers related to teaching and learning this research also tries to find out the impact of mobile device practices used for teaching and learning. This study defines the present and the future of mobile learning. As per surveythere is very little research done on this topic, this was the main intention to carry out this study. Data for this paper were collected through bibliographic and internet.

Key words: Mobile learning, Mobile Phone,Mobile devices,On-line learning

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