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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4439-4452

Identifying Pakistan’s Geo-Strategic Significance: Security Challenges Insights

Ayesha Rana.


Pakistan is situated in the neighborhood of great powers such as Russia and China. The US has been involved in the region remotely, whereas earlier back in the eighties and in 2001 it was physically involved its forces to fight the war against terrorism. Geographically, Pakistan is located in an important position concerning these powers and at the doorway to the oil-rich countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, from Iran to Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the politics of oil with Pakistan at the center started with greater leverage in terms of its influence on the shipment of oil.
Thus, owing to its strategic location, Pakistan has great potential of becoming a transit economy. Afghanistan is a land-locked country, which is dependent on Pakistan and Iran for transit trade.We cannot overlook the two-dimensional impact of the geographical location; it has advantages as well as poses significant challenges. To transform these challenges into opportunities and protect its national interests, Pakistan needs to review its foreign policy and engagement with the international community. Although, financial constraints place stringent limits on options that Pakistan can exercise, yet a proactive and pragmatic foreign policy can pay greater dividends.In this regard, the focus of the current government is generally in the right direction.
However, as part of a comprehensive solution,it must be ensured that strategic stability must not be compromised. For instance, we need to have a tranquil western border and any peace process with India should be done on a reciprocal basis. For economic development, the CPEC Project, which is part of the Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) project, provides a unique opportunity, albeit due to the advantages of Pakistan’s geo-strategic location. While ensuring to safeguard Pakistan’s strategic interests, maximum benefit is gained from the CPEC. Since the Indo-US strategic partnership is ominous and Pakistan’s tilt towards China is growing, there is a need to review our relations with the US. Towards this end, a careful balance needs to be worked out. Towards this end, for the US-Taliban peace deal, Pakistan played the vital role of a facilitator, without compromising its national interests. Pakistan has always maintained that there is no military solution to the Afghan imbroglio and only a political solution has to be negotiated between the stakeholders. There is a need to examine that despite being placed at a geo-strategic and geo-economically advantageous location, why Pakistan has not been able to garner optimum strategic benefits and has faced more challenges.

Key words: Geostrategic Importance, Taliban, War on Terror, US and NATO Forces, Security Challenges, Strategic Stability

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