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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4509-4519

The Impact Of Teaching Skill On ESL Learners’ Speaking Skill

Muhammad Akram, Saira Nawab, Ghulam Ishaq.


This research is based on the impact of teaching skill on ESL learners’ speaking skill of post graduate students of Khawaja Fareed Government College Rahim Yar Khan.This is a quantitative research.Inthis quantitative research the researcher observed the impact of independent variable on dependent variable.The research is in the form of numbers and digits.120 students post graduate classes of Khawaja Fareed Government College were chosen as a sample for this research. The questionnaire was based on the impact of teacher’s teaching skill on ESL learners’ speaking skill.The findings of this research show that ESL teacher’s teaching skill has a great impact on the speaking skill of ESL learners of post graduate level.

Key words: teaching skill, speaking Skill, Post Graduate level

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