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Factors Affecting the Application and Implementation of Evidence-based Practice in Nursing

Maria Pitsillidou, Zoe Roupa, Antonis Farmakas, Maria Noula.


Background: Even though Evidence-Based Practice is a complex process, it’s application has been recognized worldwide as a lever of improvement of the provided health services. Objective: This study investigates the factors which influence the implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and their correlation with nurses’ socio-demographic characteristics. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study for which data were collected through an anonymous questionnaire. The study sample included 302 nurses from six public hospitals in Cyprus. Data collection was conducted from April 2018 to July 2018. Results: According to the nurses, the biggest obstacle for the application of Evidence-Based Practice is the lack of authority/power to change care procedures (83.8%), followed by the view that the results were not applicable in the nurses’ environment (81.5%). Conclusion: The identification of factors affecting the implementation of Evidence-Based Practice can serve as a basis for improving the quality of healthcare, as well as for developing strategies for resolving existing problems. This study showed that there is a need to create opportunities for the use of Evidence-Based Practice by nurses.

Key words: Barriers, Factors, Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing.

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