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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2018-2029

A Semantic Analysis Of Lexical Relations In The Iraqi Economic Discourse : The Case Of Business Landscape Magazine

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Hameed Ma’yuuf, Hamsa Samea Nheir.


Economic Discourse occupies a crucial place in linguistic studies to be discussed and examined. Thus, this paper deals with Iraqi economic discourse from a semantic perspective. The study aims at: identifying the semantic relations among words, such as synonyms, hyponyms and antonyms to find out the most dominant relations by calculating the frequency of these relationswithin the selected texts. Two articles of the Iraqi magazine “business landscape” are selected to be under scrutiny. The data are based on qualitative-quantitative method of analysis. The findings show that hyponymy is the most frequent relation in the texts with the frequency of 44%, synonymy with a rate of 33% and antonymyof 23% to be the least frequent relation in the texts.

Key words: economic discourse, semantic relations, synonymy, hyponymy, antonymy

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