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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2030-2039

The Impact Of Covid-19 On Indian Economy

Dr. Rachin Suri, Aashray Malik.


The first two new coronavirus waves wreaked havoc on the country in a variety of ways. The world's first pandemic of this millennium claimed thousands of lives and left the economy in shambles. Only a few countries have successfully dealt with the catastrophe. India was one of the first countries to implement a defence policy based on a standstill. Lockdowns and social isolation were not enough to solve the problem. India's budget deficit and mortality rate were unfathomable, and the economy was severely harmed, resulting in one of the world's worst recessions. The administration quickly enacted the necessary steps and budgetary policies, and it was able to recover from the crisis. Despite the changes, there are some that can help the service sector continue to function. The devised brain needs paradigm restructuring. With that, the nation will prepare better for the epidemic situation arriving.

Key words: India, Covid-19, Recession, Restructuring, Service sector

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