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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4804-4819

Reasons About Burnout Of Athletes At University Level: An Exploratory Study

Yasmeen Tabassum, Sumera Sattar, Syeda Maryam Zara, Badar Mohy Ud Din, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Butt.


Interest in sports is a wellspring of incredible satisfaction for general competitors. Tragically, too-extreme requests may at times lead to burnout on account of incessant pressure. Burnout has been depicted as "A disintegration of the human spirit" whereby the individual loses respect, soul, and will. It creates because of an inconsistency between the person's desires, strivings, and the brutal reality. The purpose of this quantitative study was to view the effect of burnout on university athletes and to find the perception of university athletes about burnout. A total number of 300 sports students participated in this study as a sample out of which 230 (76.67%) were male and 69 (23%) were females selected using convenience sampling technique from different players of Universities in Lahore. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS version 22. T-Test for gender and found no significant difference in male and female players (Sig. 0.345), One-way ANOVA for different age groups of student-athletes and found no significant difference in different age groups (Sig. 0.201), Chi-Square Test for individual item analysis was used to test statistically the whole sample. It was concluded from results that because burnout can range from emotional and physical exhaustion to lack of control over their lives (Sig. .000), duration of seething as on (Sig. .000), amount of stress put on the athlete (Sig. .000), feeling pressured/tensed about their practices even during the competition (Sig. .000) feeling exhilarated before any competition (sig. .000). Furthermore, it is suggested that the current study should be done on a larger population to generalize it.

Key words: Burnout, Athletes, Players, University, Sports

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