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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4875-4887

A Study On Digital Marketing Strategies Of Nxtechpro Technology Private Limited

Dr. P. Venkatesh, N.Prathinya, Dr. S. Rama krishnan, Dr. Mia Torres-Dela Cruz.


The study conducted on the Digital Marketing Strategies Of Nxtechpro Technology Private Limited. The research adopts a survey approach where self-administered questionnaires were issued to gather data from the employee to measure their opinions of the company process. In this study Descriptive research is used to depict the participants in an accurate way. The data is collected through primary data. In primary data a questionnaire has been structured. The statistical tools used here is Chi – square, U-test method. Thus, study attempted to learn the marketing strategies of the company.

Key words: Digital, Strategies, Technologies, Marketing, Design, etc.

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