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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4942-4954

Perturb And Observation Based Mppt Control Of Solar Pv System Using Boost Converter

T. Porselvi, Nandhini R, B. Meenakshi, L. Kurinjimalar, V Archana.


The model is used for observing and studying the performance of photovoltaic system in nonideal conditions that causes multiple maximum power points (MPPs) on the power- voltage (PV) characteristics curve. a typical solar generation system consists of a solar array and a DC/DC converter. Making the output of the solar array maximum does not certainly result in the maximum DC/DC converter output. Therefore, it is suggested that the PV array and the DC/DC converter should be considered as one system to maximize the overall system output. Since the efficiency of PV-panel is low, advanced power electronics converter are employed to improve the overall system efficiency. The solar panel is modeled and analyzed in MATLAB/SIMULINK. To get the maximum efficiency and maximum power the entire system must be linked with MPPT technique. Perturb and Distribution algorithm is used to obtain MPPT. Boost DC-DC converter is used for matching load impedance with PV arrays.

Key words: Solar PV, MPPT, Boost DC-DC Converter

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