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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4967-4978

Impacting Online Classes With Augmented Reality Based Education

D.Roopa, Dr.S.Bose.


Covid-19 pandemic affects our life suddenly and dramatically. The most affected area was our teaching methods. Students and teachers move to distant learning without good experience and background especially for non-IT teachers. Technology enhanced learning has attracted increasing attention of educational community focused on improvement of traditional classroom learning/online classes. Augmented Reality(AR) technology enhances user’s perception of reality by augmenting computer- generated components and reinforcing the retention of critical knowledge that may otherwise widen student knowledge gaps. AR in education can conceivably impact the student participation, information transfer and skill acquisition, hands on digital experience with the education when there is no practical exposure to laboratories.

Key words: Immersive AR, Interactive Education, Image Tracking, Image Recognition

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