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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4988-4994

Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Buying Behaviour

B. Venkateswara Prasad, Aswin, Supriya Chandiaiya, Prof.Patjai Piyachon.


Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic online commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods and services from a seller over the internet using web browsers. Online shopping has grown in popularity over the years mainly because people find it convenient for the comfort of their home or workplace. Thus, the study aims to examine the customer satisfaction towards online shopping from Omni Global Export. The study focuses on online shoppers’ preference, satisfaction and problems on Omni online shopping marketers. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. Research findings of this study will be useful to understand the customers’ level of satisfaction towards online buying behavior.

Key words: Customer, Online Buying, Shopping Experience

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