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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5016-5023

Covid-19 Mask Detection Using Matlab Based Image Processing

T.Mangayarkarasi, S. Sai Anusha, P.R.Pranavikha.


As people across the globe are combating the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, it has become essential to develop new technologies to analyse and fight against the disease spread. The most essential protection against coronavirus is to wear Face Mask and as the day surpasses scientists and Doctors have recommended everyone to wear the mask. This paper aims to develop a real time application based on detection or sensing of wearing masks using a webcam. Features considered are detection of nose and mouth in a person image. If either the person's nose or mouth is not covered it intimates by saying “Please wear mask properly”, if the person wears a mask his/her nose and mouth is covered properly it intimates by saying “Mask Present”. There is also an another case if the person covers his/her nose and mouth using hand it just intimates by saying “remove hand”

Key words: Mask detector, COVID, webcam, image processing,

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