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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4106-4114

Evaluation Of Educated Muslim Women Of Dakshin Dinajpur District Towards Women Empowerment In West Bengal

Humaun Kabir, Dr. Osmita Hati.


Participation in decision making is an important tool to facilitate democracy in the country. Women in rural areas are still fighting for their participation in decision making. The women in Muslim are usually bound to live within the walls of the house. They are not participating freely in all families and social matters are illiteracy, low family income, large family size etc. It is found in the study that Muslim women, in present study, are a part of decision making in their family. But, it appears from the data that the women have not dominating power over the family in respect of daily expenditure for the family. It indicates that majority percent women take decision for household affair, so it can be pointed out that women enjoyed empower in the sector of decision making for household affairs. In this article, educated Muslim women of Dakshin Dinajpur district towards women empowerment in West Bengal has been evaluated.

Key words: Muslim, Women, Empowerment, Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal.

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