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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4148-4159

Evaluation Of Socio-Economic Factors Of Dropout Elimentary School Students With Special Reference To Malda District, West Bengal

Janardan Mandal, Dr. Deep Narayan Singh.


The aim of the present study was to find out the factors which result in dropping out from primary schools. The study deals with student’s experiences which led to their dropping out from their respective schools. The study was to examine why the number of students who drop out are from impoverished socio- economic backgrounds. It examines the stories of dropout students to analyze their experiences of dropping out. The emphasis is given to the narrative of each student to determine the factors which influenced their dropping out of their respective schools. In this article, socio-economic factors of dropout elimentary school students with special reference to Malda District, West Bengal has been evaluated.

Key words: Dropout, School, Students, Socio-economic, Malda, West Bengal

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