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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4172-4178

Critical Study Of Routing Protocols In Manets And Attacks On Manets

Abhay Raj Sahu, Dr. Jitendra Sheethlani.


Ad hoc networks made up of mobile wireless nodes are known as MANETs. The network topology might alter over time since the nodes are mobile. Each node functions as a router, routing traffic throughout the network, and the nodes build their own infrastructure for the network. In order to forward packets to their destinations, MANET routing protocols must be able to adapt to changes in the network topology and maintain routing information. Although MANET routing methods are primarily for mobile networks, networks of stationary nodes without network infrastructure can also benefit from their use. Although there are more routing protocols that don't fall into either category, the two basic types of MANET routing protocols are reactive and proactive. When there is an immediate need for routing information, such as when one of the nodes needs to send a packet, reactive or on-demand routing protocols update it (and there is no working route to the destination). They then forward the payload after exchanging route discovery messages. The paths remain the same up until a packet's forwarding mistake. This paper reflects critical study of Routing Protocols

Key words: protocol, attacks, detect, malicious, algorithm, prevent

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