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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4203-4207

Language, Literature And English Language Teaching

Dr. Kashyap Bishwas.


Today's teaching methods are constantly on the point of demonstrating something new. This study explores how literary instruction can aid in English language instruction. For all types of learners, a general educational foundation must be established. English is the most vital of the foreign tongues. English has a distinct place in the educational world. A range of teaching techniques are employed by the instructors, including translation, memorization of grammar principles, diagramming, parsing, précis writing, and composition. Some people prefer to memories the literary classics of Anglo-Saxon culture. Others seemed to forget that they were instructing EFL students and behaved as though they were English, American, Canadian, etc. native speakers.

Key words: Language, culture, foreign tongues.

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