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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4224-4231

A Study Of Self-Directed Learning Of Students In Health Programs In India

Sorokhaibam Shanta Devi, Dr. Shweta Talesara.


Self-Directed Learning (SDL) is an active learning approach in which the students are responsible for their own learning outcome, with teacher acting as a facilitator of learning. A medical graduate, being a lifelong learner, should inculcate the habit of Self-Directed Learning (SDL). In the present study, the SDL abilities of first year Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery students were assessed using a questionnaire. Based on their experience, students were also asked about the prerequisites of Self-Directed Learning (SDL), how it can be promoted, and their expectations from the teachers. Students scored high in most of the Self-Directed Learning (SDL) skills. However, they felt they need improvement in time management. Furthermore, the students are required to develop their interpersonal communication skills, and they also find it difficult to express messages effectively in oral presentations. Most of the students felt they need help in finding the correct learning resources. According to them, the students should be focused, motivated and stress-free, have time management skills, and be able to search learning resources for successful implementation of Self-Directed Learning (SDL). They felt that events that encourage active participation by students, if organized at regular intervals, could promote Self-Directed Learning (SDL). Some felt that evaluation of SDL would motivate them to take it seriously. According to the students, teacher should act as a facilitator, a mentor, as well as an evaluator.

Key words: Self-directed learning, physical therapists, medical education, students.

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