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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4251-4260

Review On Reflection Of Ecocriticism In Selected Novels Of Amitav Ghosh, Anita Desai, Arun Joshi And Kiran Desai

Chandan Bera, Dr. Anita Kumari.


An interdisciplinary study of literature called ecocriticism includes topics like environmental and natural history concerns. Ecocriticism is a natural extension of cultural studies. A text is examined in cultural studies as a sphere of social, political, cultural, and semiotic acts that represent diverse discourses. Focusing on diverse modern forms of globalisation and resistance to capitalist culture, power dynamics, and hegemony is a significant development in recent cultural studies. This also contains a critique of global capitalist consumption trends. This article discussed about the review on reflection of ecocriticism in selected novels of Amitav Ghosh, Anita Desai, Arun Joshi and Kiran Desai.

Key words: Ecocriticism, Novels, Amitav Ghosh, Anita Desai, Arun Joshi, Kiran Desai.

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