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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4305-4316

A Brief Review Of New Education Policy Of India 2020 And Higher Education

Fayaz Ahmad Ambar, Ghulam Ud Din Qurashi, Firdoos Ahmad Tantry, Altaf Rasool Shaksaz.


It is a well-known fact that a well-defined, visionary, and futuristic education policy is a must for every country because education is the key driver of economic and social progress. Taking into account their respective traditions and cultures, different countries have adopted varied education systems. The Government of India recently announced its New Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which aims to transform our country into a more equitable and vibrant knowledge society by providing high-quality education to all. It is a welcome step that will bring about a paradigm shift in India's education system and transform it into a modern, progressive, and equitable one. This conceptual research article is based on NEP 2020 and focuses on higher education (HE). The authors of the article intend to discuss background and emergence; highlight vision, focus thrust areas, and principle guidelines; and necessarily bring out features, impact areas, and opportunities for stakeholders as well. Finally, emphasising the need for planned, systematic, and careful implementation of the policy.

Key words: National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), Higher Education, Quality Education

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