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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4331-4339

Critical Review On Psychological Analysis Of Adolescents

Sheetal M Singhvi, Dr. Mamta Vyas.


The physical issue among teens is one of the most notable issues. It is a particularly distinct stage because of the sudden growth spurt, significant endocrine changes, and increase in sexual maturity. Social issues are among the most challenging issues that adolescents face. The adolescent hopes that he may be respected and accepted. As a result, the teenager complies with peer group norms. The organism's dynamic internal adjustment of emotion serves the individual's satisfaction and welfare. The body's equilibrium may be more severely disrupted by quick and pronounced physical changes, which increases the chance of elevated emotionality. So, in this article critical review on psychological analysis of adolescents has been discussed.

Key words: Psychological, Analysis, Children.

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