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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6124-6141

A Study Of Satisfaction Among Farmers In Theni District With Regard To Institutional Support For Coconut Production And Marketing



This research paper attempt the socio –economic and Farmers' Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing in Theni District. This research paper main objective is to analysis the socio - economic and Farmers' Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing. This study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected from the retailer respondents taken for the study. By following face to face interview then required data was collected. A well-structured interview – schedule was used for the purpose. The secondary data was collected through books, journals, newspapers and websites sources. By following convenient sampling technique, a sample of 560 coconut farmers was taken for the study. The selection of samples by the researchers from the population was based on her personal judgment. To find out the socio – demographic and business profile of socio – economic and Farmers' Satisfaction with Coconut Marketing, percentage analysis is used to socio – economic and relationship between farmer demographics and satisfaction with institutional support for coconut production and marketing was investigated using an analysis of variance and a student t test. The data relating to the study was collected during a 6-month period, from January to June 2021. Finally provided offer suggestions based on the findings of the study.

Key words: Coconut Farmer, Institutional Support, Coconut production and Marketing

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