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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4360-4368

Emerging Trends On Sustainable Development With Special Reference To Economic Growth

Sohini Nath.


The term "sustainable development" has become more common in today's development discourse. Nevertheless, many people continue to have questions about the term, including what it entails and implies for development theory and practise, as well as its meaning and history, despite its widespread use and huge popularity over the years. The concept of sustainability is highly valued in discussions of public policy. Analyzing the likelihood of sustainability is a critical component, in addition to the nation's local programmes. It may be challenging for a nation to practise sustainability if its own government systems, which regulate organizations in many sectors, are unsustainable. In other words, it is impossible for many industries to simply generate economic, environmental, and social significance by updating their strategy or creating fresh applications when global marketing objectives exist in the opposite dimension. So, in this article emerging trends on sustainable development with special reference to economic growth has been discussed.

Key words: Sustainable, Development, Economic, Growth.

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