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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4375-4385

Evaluation Of Unemployment Problems In India With Special Focus To Consequences And Remedies

Avijit Pal.


The greatest threat now facing India is unemployment. Both educated and industrial employees have been impacted by unemployment in metropolitan areas. The main issue in India right now is structural unemployment, which can manifest in both overt and covert ways. Every person needs to work in the economy to sustain their daily needs. A person is considered unemployed if they actively seek employment but are unsuccessful in doing so. The level of unemployment is a good indicator of the economy's health. The unemployment rate is calculated as the total number of unemployed people divided by the total labour force. The mobilization of resources, accelerated growth, selective pattern of investment, prudent choice of techniques, an appropriate spectrum of economic activities in rural and urban areas, and the accessibility of complementary factors of production all point to the need for a multifaceted approach to the problem.

Key words: Unemployment, Problem, India.

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