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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4400-4410

The Emergence Of Gig Talent Ecosystem In India And Its Implication On Future Of Work, Workforce & Workplace In The Post COVID Business Landscape

Amit Das, Dr. Shradha Padhi.


The paper aims to study the Emergence of Gig Talent Ecosystem in India and its implications on future of Work, Workforce & Workplace in the post COVID Business landscape. Growth of Gig Economy in developed countries, is being fueled by Digital transformation & Work flexibility preferred by new age Millennial & Gen Z workforce. As per literature review, most of the earlier studies on the Gig economy have been based on knowledge of workers in the industrialized or developed world, with only a few studies concentrating on developing countries like India. As per ASSOCHAM study, India’s Gig economy is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 17.4 per cent. India’s Gig economy is projected to achieve a size of $455 Billion by 2023. Post COVID led disruption, companies in India are compelled to explore & experiment Gig Talent model to optimize cost & leverage flexibility for scaling up/down based on Customer centric Business demand. The hybrid Work arrangement leading to organizations experimenting with remote work culture, with flatter, flexible, inter-connected & collaborative organizational structures. The Gig model in India have associated challenges of Legal ambiguity, Financial & Social Security, Work ownership & Workforce engagement, Performance & Productivity management.

Key words: Gig Talent Economy, India Talent Marketplace, Work Workforce & Workplace, Portfolio Careers, Freelancing, On-demand employment challenges, Flexible work arrangement, Future of work.

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