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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4411-4435

A Systemic Context For Environmental Sustainability Assessment

Debasis Nandi, Dr. Vijay Kumar Gonekar, Debasis Nandi.


Environment sustainability is the only way to preserve the world from destruction. Because protecting the environment is directly proportional to protecting human life, concern for the environment has emerged as one of the most pressing issues facing modern humans. In the 1980s, environmental problems began to get increased attention. Use of energy, as well as its creation, conversion, and transmission, all have an effect on the surrounding environment. The link between sustainable development and the consumption of resources, particularly energy, is one of the most critical concerns facing human civilizations today, and the actualization of sustainable development is contingent on the utilization of energy resources. Environmental problems are becoming more widespread and now involve releases of pollutants as well as the deterioration of ecosystems and the variables that contribute to such degradation at both the regional and the global scales. The environment is a repository of physical, chemical, biological, social, and economic variables that are interconnected with different aspects of individual communities and the population as a whole in a variety of ways. The dissimilarities between the natural world and the surroundings Nature are defined as a collection of natural, biological, and non-biological variables that are taken into consideration entirely, whereas the word "environment" refers to the interactions between people and nature and is viewed from its point of view.

Key words: Environmental sustainability; Sustainability assessment; Communities;

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