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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4449-4457

The Problems And Prospects Of The East Bengal Origin Assamese Muslims: A Critical Study

Mir Abdur Rahim.


There has been a long controversy in the Assamese society and even in the India at large regarding the East Bengal origin Muslim. The Muslims of East Bengal origin are represent an important group of Muslims in Assam. Like the Mughul or British they are not an external dynasty but its true that they migrated/replaced their resident to Assam from western part i.e. Bengal or East Bengal of undivided India. Besides linguistic and cultural differences, the period of migration and the socio- economic status of these Muslims were quite different from their earlier counterpart. The history of their migration to Assam began sometimes during the last part of the 19th century and continued up to the independence of India in 1947 A.D. They represent the majority of Muslim population of Assam. Originated from a different entity, the period of their migration and the contemporary socio-political condition have not provided enough scope for their complete assimilation with the Assamese life or so called Assamese Muslims. Nevertheless, from economic, social, and linguistic point of view they have been maintaining a close proximity with the Assamese life and so called indigenous Muslims. The process of assimilation is now on the way and the present generation designated themselves as Assamese Muslim. However, it is obvious that due to above-mentioned ground they have some distinction from others. This has given them a distinct identity. It is quite interesting to note that apropos to their distinctness, the rest of Assamese people have been using various names or terms to denote this particular section of Muslims. Some of them have been obsolete now, and some are still in use. Again,sometimes,some of these are used in a non-honorific sense. These are ‘Pamuah’ or farming Muslims, ‘Maymensingia’ or Muslims of Maymensing, ’Miah’, ‘Na-Asamiya’ or neo-Assamese ‘Charuah’ or people of ‘Char-capori’ belt, ‘Bhatia’ or ‘people of downstream’ ‘Abhibhasi Asamiya Musalman’ or Immigrant Assamese Muslim etc.

Key words: Problems, East Bengal Origin Assamese Muslims, Bengal, Replaced, Miah.

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