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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4476-4482

A Comparative Study Of The Social Mobility And Social Stratification Among The Kashmiri Tribal And Non-Tribal Populations

Firdous Ahmad Dar, Dr. Suneet.


This study investigates social mobility and social stratification among the Kashmiri tribal and non-tribal populations in India. The research design uses a mixed-methods approach, to collect data. The findings reveal significant differences in social mobility and social stratification between the two populations, with tribal communities facing greater barriers to upward mobility. Factors such as education, employment, and access to resources play a significant role in shaping social mobility and stratification. The study highlights the need for policies and interventions that address the unique challenges faced by tribal communities in India, including improving access to education and economic opportunities.

Key words: social mobility, social stratification, Kashmiri tribal population, non-tribal population, India, mixed-methods approach, socio-economic conditions, education, employment, access to resources, policies, interventions, social inequality, social dynamics

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